I have just one or two more things to finish up with, but overall we have a complete room!! Here is a look:
We originally started with just the love picture - but when we realized how long the dresser is, we thought the collection would be better. Plus I am really happy with breaking up the pink/aqua with a few other colors. It pulls it together, but adds some depth to the room.
I love this wall - the windows on either side of the crib is so cute. I bought the decals at IKEA months ago and waffled back and forth - I actually almost bought something totally different for the spot. After all the angst and time thinking about it, I went with the original plan - 14.99 art from IKEA - and I am so happy with it. Again it keeps with the pink but adds some red and fushia in. Addy was pretty into Charlotte thinking she has trees in her room, so she did a quick craft project and made a tree of her own to add to the decor. I'll have to get a picture of it.
Up close with the wall art.
Here you can see a larger view of the far corner of the room.
There is some shadow here but you can see the initials over the changing table. The spot to the left is the final spot I am working on. I am hopeful by next weekend it will be filled with homemade memory boards with the room fabrics.
This is one of my favorite litte spots. I am anxious to see if my $4.00 IKEA hamper lasts. I love the hooks, and check out the little robe that is all ready to go. A gift from my parents.
An upclose of the crib. You can see the blanket and pillow my Mom has made, along with the curtains and bedskirt. Thanks so much for your homemade with love touches to the room!!
I really like this spot for a couple of reasons: 1) I love the memories this rocking chair already has for me because of all the times I spent rocking Addy Bear, and 2) I know this will be a huge part of my bonding time with Charlotte.
We are really getting there. We'll be working on the main area of the house to finalize some changes there and of course I am determined my dining room (staging area, dumping ground, holding zone) will be cleaned up before the baby comes. We'll see if I get my list done or not. Either way, I am starting to feel at peace with where I am at. We have the pack n play in our room, little bottles and newborn diapers - really, what else do you need. Oh yeah, patience, calmness and serenity - I ask for these to make it through the next couple of months.
Stay tuned . . .