Monday, November 22, 2010

Please tell me it isn't so, Buffy?

I am a little shaken to my core right now. This can't be real, right? Sigh. Okay, I will go on. Eventually. And Ghostbusters? Really? Can't you people let them live in their eternal glory? Sigh. Moving on. Not gracefully, but moving on.

(I wonder if Scott is on the couch just pretending to be asleep so he can avoid listening to me rant. I think I hear him holding his breath waiting to see if I will tire myself out on the computer and he can avoid the topic all together. Fat chance. )

Tis the Season

I have been absent in blog land because I have had a lot going on (wind storms, power outages, earthquakes, budget crisis of epic proportions at work, colds, and job interviews) I am going to admit I even decorated for Christmas early! Way early. Tree is up, house is decorated, lights are out front . . .

Last year we were gone and missed a good two weeks of decor and this year we are tacking those on to our celebrations.

And just in time for the lovely snow fall. :) I love seeing the snow falling around the Christmas lights.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Katie, Hula Girl and a Dork

After all of us getting sick once and then twice, we are moving on with our lives. I swear that when things like that rage through the house all our plans and regular schedules fly out the window. Here are some random things to share.

This is Bobbie - the baby doll. She didn't start out as Addy's, or as mine. She started out as my best friend Karen's. We grew up together and now we live very far apart - like 3000+ miles. She had this amazing baby doll that I coveted for years. She didn't really appreciate all that was Bobbie like I did. And so one day years later for my birthday I came home from work and Bobbie was waiting by my front door. What a sweet surprise. So, I have kept Bobbie all these years so that if by chance I had a little girl one day I could share her. Finally I felt like Addy was ready (big enough) to enjoy this very special baby doll. We got Bobbie some new clothes and now her name is Katie. She sleeps in a special bed Addy made for her right next to her bed.

Thanks Ren!! Love you and it makes me so happy to share your baby doll with my little girl!

Addy went to a hula party a few weeks ago. She was all ready to go in her hula outfit.

And finally, this abomination. I am in this picture (second from left in middle row). I accept your pity. Thanks. The other night a friend and I were reliving some glory days and one thing led to another and this thing showed up on my computer. So, why not share the glory of my show choir days. I am not even a decent singer. Ms. Baker just feared my wrath if she separated me from my friends. I actually tried out to wear an outfit like that. Those are sequins peeps. Blue sequined suspenders and bow ties and cumber buns. Yup.

Middle school - good times. I spent a good portion of my time in show choir with Karen plotting ways to run away with these guys:

I am not sure why we weren't successful . . . one look at us in our show choir outfits and they wouldn't have stood a chance. Middle school. Good Times.