Tuesday, March 01, 2011

5 years

I kept asking myself why did it take 5 years for me to commit to doing this again?

OH YEAH!  Now I remember . . .


So, although I am miserable and grumpy, I am happy to announce that we will be having a baby in September.  Addy is so very excited to be a big sister.  We are of course very excited as well.  Did I mention I am miserable and grumpy too?  Good times.

Love, your anti-social, pity party, miserable and grumpy friend, Jessica

PS.  Hopefully in a few weeks I will feel tons better and I can once again be my fun self. 

PPS. I would be okay if it was sooner rather then later.

PPPS.  I have set a date to feel better.  It is realistic, because it is a far ways out.  I really have decided I must be better before the royal wedding.  I have waited 30 years to see a Prince marry his Princess again and darn it, I am going to feel better so that I can enjoy it in all its media craziness!!