Sunday, January 17, 2010

Snow Time

Explore Washington is in full swing! Today we had a blast tubing with friends. Joe and Julie invited us to join them and family for a great day of tubing at the mountain. We all had a ton of fun. It was our first time tubing - very adventurous and learned something new about Washington - how fun it is winter time!

Addy getting ready in the parking lot. Julie loaned us some snow pants for Addy and she was in love with them! She wore them all around the house yesterday.

The final masterpiece:

While we waited for everyone to arrive we had to throw some snowballs.

Addy was in heaven just falling on the ground in the snow - so fun when you are all bundled - like a Charmin ad.

Trying out the tubes:

After her first ride with Daddy.

Logan had so much fun! Here is Logan and Julie:

Addy and Mommy going down. Addy would smile so big and laugh on the way down.

Taking a break to fall in the snow . . . again.

So much fun!
Julie, Joe and Logan.

Addy pooped out, feeling the cold and hunger - it is tough work! Before we left Addy tried out a little snow with Daddy.

Can't wait for our next adventure in Washington.