Friday, January 01, 2010


Sorry for the delay in posting an Addy update, I know I had promised folks a while ago . . . it seems like I sit down to do it and get distracted or called away.

Addison has embraced being 3 in many ways. She's always telling me she's ready to get a big girl bed, says she's ready to potty train and even says that she'll give up her binky at night. We'll see if these things come true in the next few months.

3 has also brought on Addison's attitude! Wow! Didn't know all that was hidden in that little body. She can throw a temper tantrum like no one else. She is a challenge and so fun at the same time.

Addison is OBSESSED with dresses. I am serious. Really. If I work really hard I can convince her to wear pants one day a week. She thinks she is only pretty if she is wearing a dress and tights. So she is the best dressed kid at school, at the grocery store, at the doctor . . . you get the idea.

Addy loves to dance. (See paragraph above) But you must have a dress on to dance, and so we struggle with the concept of dancing in pants or pj's. She is in ballet and is learning lots of very cute things. She's pointing her toes and can bow like a champ.

Scooby-Doo is still her favorite and she loves to play with her new mystery machine she got for Christmas (thanks Santa). But in the last few months Addy has really gotten into princesses, dolls and babies. Pretty much anything you can undress. That is the first question she asks when you give her something - can I take its clothes off. The answer better be yes!

Addy knows all. Or so she thinks. She is quick to tell you if you do something wrong, how you are supposed to do it and always reminds us that we better make good choices or we will have to go to time out. It is a amazing that she gets the concepts of discipline and dishes it out to us and her toys, but isn't so good at accepting it herself! :)

Addy is always thinking of her friends and family. She wants to visit everyone, invite everyone over and has a huge heart when it comes to being a friend. She always wants to call her family in Arizona and loves picking out things to give to her younger friends.

Addison can write her alphabet, write words if we spell them for her and can't go to bed at night without a disney story. (That is my girl.)

Addy saw her first movie theater movie today - Princess and the Frog. She did good - better then I hoped - but still struggled in the last half an hour to stay put. We are going to be picking out her new big girl bedding this weekend . . . its our first project of the new year. Big girl room for Addy! She is so excited . . . while my heart sqeezes a bit. She is getting so big!!

Addy loves to cook and help in the kitchen! She is good at cracking eggs, pouring things and can stir it up like a champ.

This new year promises to be filled with much to enjoy about our Little. And a resolution too . . .