Sunday, January 31, 2010


Did I mention Addy just decided about two weeks ago she was ready to be potty trained? And just like that it was done. Even a weekend stay at Grandma and Grandpa's didn't cause any road bumps. Of course, you can attribute a lot to the jelly beans . . . she doesn't wait a second to remind you when she's done good and needs a bean! She quickly tired of the "elmo seat" and even the step stool. Now she just hikes herself up and hangs on, it is too funny!!

Addy loves taking pictures, here is one of her shots this week:

I'm still working on Addy's big girl room, its not done yet, but here is one of the projects we've been working on:
In the last few months I've noticed Addy getting more girly. She's now announced her favorite colors are pink and purple, she loves to layout and try on clothes and she's really getting into polly pockets and barbies. Tonight she was all decked out for some construction work - but she had to add the high heels and she called herself Hanny Manny Princess. :)

Addy and did a little decorating for Valentine's Day.