Sunday, September 06, 2009

Road Trip PArt 2 - The Beginning

Our other reason for the road trip was to head back to the beginning. The beginning of Scott and Jessica. So, we spent the day at Whitman College. It was fun memories, awakening remembered hopes and dreams and sharing possibilities with Addy all at once.

It is a beautiful campus.

We got to see all the new buildings and changes. (There have been a lot in the 9 years since we've visited.) Number one on Scott's list was the new pool.

The pool was so nice! The entire facility is new and looks amazing. Scott spent some time with the Assistant Coach and heard all about the current team. There are still a few records left to be broken, but this new team of men are pretty awesome. Scott may find these records history!

And you can't go to Walla Walla without enjoying the wheat fields. As you can see Addy was captivated.

The community is amazing and someday I hope we can make it our home again. I took a walk to enjoy the beautiful old homes.

And I was still feeling pretty good about my "Year of the Gardener" until I stumbled on this . . . I still have a loooooong way to go.

Then we finished the day with a trip to our favorite park.

It was a reminder of where I've been, where I wanted to go, and where I want to go in the future.