Sunday, September 27, 2009

12th Man

We had a great time at the Seahawks game today! Beautiful weather, great fans and a great game . . . well, okay perhaps the game wasn't the best ever . . . but we looked hot for a while. Frankly, when I get a chance to eat one of my favorite foods of all time without any guilt - I mean you can't watch a game without Kettle Korn right? - how bad can it be!!??

There were awesome moments! We cheered, we laughed, we spilled a little beer . . .

There were really sad moments. We hung our heads and had to listen to the Bears fans next to us - boy, these were real, grew up in Chicago fans!

They were totally fun, loud and pretty cool for Bears fans. (Although if I had to hear them scream DA BEARS one more time I was going to cry.)

We lasted until the last moment clinging to hope that America's team (Jeff - I mean the Seahawks) would pull it out - but alas we didn't. The 12th man still cause 3 penalties and so we get free Jones Colas for our hard work!

And even when the game had us down the view was always uplifting!

Hears hoping for a win next week!