Monday, September 28, 2009

Carpet, Decorating and Dirty Hands . . . Oh My!

Based on my sick in earlier this year - I committed to a few small redecorating projects. A few people have been bugging me that I haven't gotten any of them done. Not true, just forgot to blog about it. Still in the works, but Scott's Dad kicked it off with helping paint the living room wall. Thanks so much - that is one seriously tall wall. The color is great - it took me a while to get used to it but now I love, love, love it. I changes during the day and into night. It is moody - I love it.

I did a few crafty projects in an attempt to fill my already too busy life. :) A shout out to the pups:

We filled in with some cheap finds . . . because we decided after 5 years of terrible carpet we were going to commit and replace it. Loving the new carpet. Worth the price - almost. :)

Thanks to all our friends and family that still came and hung out even though our carpet has looked like this for the better part of the time we've been in this house . . .
Gasp . . . I can't believe I am showing this, but let this be a record of the past. And if I ever complain about the cost - lets all remember the horror of the "carpet that was fugly-ugly". The new carpet is SOOOOOOOO much better!!

**Joyful sigh of pleasure***

Followed by . . . "Biscuit, what are you doing", "Addy don't take that on the carpet", "Cinnamon!" This is stressful people!

Moving everything was a challenge, but doable.

We gave Addy some crafts to do, and when we took a break from moving stuff this is what we found:

Good times!

So bring on the party for Addy's 3rd birthday next weekend - we are ready. (Except for food, decorations, party bags, cupcakes . . . okay, it will be a busy week.)

Oh, and I have to show you my Addy corner decor . . . just finished tonight. I couldn't figure out if I should go fun or more classic - obviously fun won out!

I love it when a plan comes together! And I am very ready to be done for a while. Have a great week!