Scott and I are so happy to introduce to you our new baby girl! I think I left off the tale from the point where we knew something was going to happen this last week but we didn't know what...Last Monday we had an ultrasound and confirmed that the baby was good sized and not engaged, contractions had stopped and we had some choices to make as the due date approached. Scott and I talked a lot about it, consulted with the doctor, and decided to have a primary c-section on Addison's original due date, Thursday October 5th. It was exciting to know it was going to happen but I was extremely nervous as well. There was no way getting around an epideral or spinal block with a c-section, and as many of you know I was counting on pain to help me overcome my fear during labor. Wednesday Scott and I were off work and it was a surreal day as we got ready to welcome our baby. Scott and I and my parents were at the hospital bright and early on Thursday morning. I'll spare the full details here only to say that it was amazing, scary, wonderful, scary, and rewarding. At 8am Addison was born, coming out of my tummy screaming her head off. (Clearly she gets her lungs from her daddy) She was 8lbs 4 oz, and 20.75 inches long. Most importantly, perfectly healthy!!! And I came through sore, tired, in a little bit of shock but really proud of our little girl and I am recovering nicely now as well. Here are some of the first pictures of Addison:
This is Addison in the nursery getting all cleaned up and weighed. Scott and my parents were with her during her first bath and weigh in, while I was getting finished with surgery and in the recovery room.

Scott was able to bring the baby to me in the recovery room so that I had my first opportunity to hold her and give her kisses. It was overwhelming and beautiful to get to see her and touch her for the first time.

She is a camera hog just like her mom already. I get a camera out and the girl is ready to go for photos.

Stay tuned and we will get a slide show going to showcase her first week in the next few days.
Today is Sunday, we have been home with Addison for a day and a half and we find ourselves constantly just staring at her in wonderment. We've got 3 weeks to figure it out before Scott heads back to work and I am alone with Addy. It's been a lot of years since either of us have spent a Sunday night not preparing for work. Instead, we've spent the evening holding our baby and sharing our joy with you! My parents have been a blessing for us in these last few days -- they've provided us with food, company, and extra arms to hold Addy with when we get tired. :) Thank you so much Mom and Dad!! (or should I say Grandma and Grandpa?) We appreciate all the well wishes and feel really blessed to share this occasion with all of you.