Just some random things to share . . .
Game night. Charlotte lasted like this for about 5 minutes and then was off tearing up the room.
This is Charlotte's "look at me aren't I funny face".
Attempting pigtails.
Twinsies - both in pigtails. Charlotte is more interested in pulling her sister's pants down.
This is what Charlotte's hair is looking like without any help - what the heck?
One little pony on top!
I love this! Addy swallowed her tooth that fell out and she was super worried about the toothfairy - so she wrote a letter. And included a picture. Love the directness - lost my tooth so please replace it with a toy. Simple and clear - this is what the Governor's Office teaches us about "plain talk". And jsut to hit the point home she drew out the spot to leave the toy since there wasn't actually a tooth to exchange.