Friday, February 22, 2013

Kid Fun

As you are aware Addy is a reader.  She has powered through a number of chapter book series over the last year.  My Mom found a new series that she is really enjoying:

Addy is also reading the original Nancy Drew series, but that is a little more in depth and this is a nice bridge into that series. 

The Elves brought Addy a great game during Christmas that all of us enjoy playing.  It was created by a 6 year old and it is great fun. 

Its a card game so easy to travel with - we took it to Hawaii with us and played it a lot once Charlotte went to bed.

Last weekend we hit Seattle and Scott picked up a new game at a fun game store.  This game is super simple, but creates a fast pace and ramps up the competition.

We are working on holding one another (Addy) to being a good sport and learning that friendly competetion is good!  Its fun to build them games into our family time.