Saturday, May 05, 2012

We are recovering from a nice case of hand-foot-mouth at our house.  Charlotte broke out last Sunday with it and got the worst of it with a fever and sores all over her body.  Poor little love.  She looked so miserable.  Then of course Addy came down with it mid-week, didn't get the sores, but have the fever/flu part.  Then by the end of the week I was down with it.

Even so, we keep going . . .

Addy dazzling us last weekend with her fashion sense:

This is too cute, the other night I come out and find the two of them in identical poses.  Like father, like daughter I guess.

Look at these two:

Can you see the spots on her face?  She had them everywhere, particularly in her diaper area, elbows, hands and feet.  Blister on blister - I cried each time I undressed her.  She was a trooper and got through it.  Now they are all scabbed over and the scabs are falling off.  So attractive.

This morning Addy dazzled us with this - she called it her rainbow outfit.  I wish you could see her fingernails and toenails, we painted them with a bright summer color called flip-flop fantasy.  Love it.

Just a cute one of little one here.  She is feeling soooooo much better!

She is getting so big.  Charlotte is 7 months old now.  She's enjoying a cracker, some raspberries and her sippy cup.  Can't believe she is getting so big.  At her recent appointment she weighed in at 18.9 lbs.

Love baby feet.  They are so cute.  (Minus the skin peeling off from the blisters you can see if you look really close.  So don't, cuz its yucky.)