Monday, December 27, 2010


My husband was introduced to this amazing culinary specialty at a friends house years ago. Thanks Alex and family!! I found a Raclette during a business trip in Leavenworth a few years ago and bought it as a Christmas present for Scott. My friend Ann got to hide it under her desk at work for weeks before I took it home to wrap it.

This is a great party activity. It is like a different version of fondue. Check it out:

Typically we use the pans to melt all kinds of yummy cheese and then cook potatoes and meat on top. We also use bread and apples for dipping. You can do all kinds of fun things with one of these. So if you are already thinking of next year's Christmas presents and you have someone in your life that likes to throw parties or make interesting food - here you go. You can get one relatively cheap at Target or order a super fancy one - they have all different sizes.

Here you can check out more information about it. ENJOY!