Wednesday, December 22, 2010


To be completely honest this has been a tough year at work. For many reasons there have been moments that I have been very happy to leave for the day. I love where I work and that isn't an easy thing to admit. But we've made it through this year (or very close). And perhaps because we've had some trials this year, it made our Holidazzle party that much more special this year.

So yeah, we might have been in the news this year . . . but here is the real story!!!

Leading up to the festivities we were still working away . . . but already showing our cheer.

As the time drew near for our Holidazzle party people were getting ready:

We in HR take our crazy holiday sweaters VERY seriously.

(Oh how I wish you could see the battery operated tea lights on her sweater - softly flicking and adding extra sparkle to all the bedazzlement.) I know you can appreciate the sweater leg warmers with pom-poms. Instant classic . . . she was one of our winners of the ugly sweater contest.

Gotta love a sign hanging off the back of an ugly sweater (yup with an office clip) - and Joni had lights around her neck too!

Oh Tommy - you make me so happy!

We even had our own resident scrooge!

Lighted polar bear vest - ummmm, of course!!

And who doesn't need an advent calendar sweater!

Here I am with the tricked out sweater Jennifer made me. I actually sat in a meeting during the morning with HR people from all over the state and showed off this beauty. My friends Tina and Ann helped me add a little "somethin" to it by putting in a crazy stuffed monkey with a christmas scarf. (Sadly, not pictured here.) Priceless!

Capturing some of the group around the tree. Don't worry you will get to see Shawn's christmas skirt up closer. He was another winner of the contest. :)

You may remember Tam's bird sweater from last year. He added the reindeer turtle neck this year. What an upgrade of a classic!!

Simply bedazzling!
Those are little sparkly drums hanging off Shawn's tree skirt . . . I mean christmas poncho. It was a sight to behold.

What a great potluck - too much great food and wonderful friends to share it all with!!

My labor relations crew. Impressive I know. I think next year we are going to make Christmas cards with pictues of us in our sweaters and send them to our union friends.

Go back and look again - those are real twigs on Mark's sweater. And candy, and a train, and snoopy's house and a log cabin and snow. Yup. Almost too much goodness for words.

What a great way to end the year and kick-off the holiday weekend!! Thanks everyone, it is an honor to work with you all.