Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

Hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas!! What a great holiday, we got to enjoy family time, yummy food and a fun visit from Santa. Here are some highlights:

Addy dressed up in her Christmas dress:

My Mom's spectacular decorations (these are just a few of the trees around the house):

Grandma and Grandpa have their own little Disney tree just like ours.

Christmas Eve we enjoyed raclette (more about this Scandinavian tradition later):

We opened stockings and got things ready for Santa.

Addy was so patient and helped each person open their stocking. She was very excited when it was her turn.

Addy was worried about Santa knowing to bring presents to Grandma and Grandpa's house so she made this sign and we put it on the door so he would know to come there.

Christmas morning we arrived and saw that Santa had left a note. He was able to find the right place!!

And once we got inside we saw more evidence of his visit. He wasn't very clean, but he ate most of the cookies and the reindeer drank most of the water Addy put out.

It didn't take long for Addy to start playing with her new toys.

We commenced our annual ticket scratching. Scott took the prize this year for best results.

She had to take a break and rest on her new pillow pet.

Playing a new game:

Taking a rest in the afternoon with Grandma.

One of the more creative gifts:

Made me laugh so hard! It was a magical Christmas, we are very blessed.