Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bon Jovi

You Give Love a Bad Name, I'll Be There for You, Wanted Dead or Alive . . . it was a sweet trip back to the wonder years for me! And all night long we got to drool over this:

Um, could the guy get any hotter? No. He. Could. Not.

But lets back up a moment. Here are the boys with our gifts (and come on these guys are even better then Jon):

Addy sent us off in style:

We were so excited waiting for the show to start.

We had great seats, we could see everything on stage and on the screens. Then they came out into the audience on a closer stage at one point. How dreamy! Sigh.

Yeah, we pretty much rocked out the entire night! Oh yeah, I lost it when they finished with Wanted and then Livin' on a Prayer. It was beyond the best. Sigh, again.

I'm pretty sure I looked this giddy all night! (Check out the 7 ft guy that parked in front of us, didn't even phase us, we were so happy to be there.) But just a point of clarification, I am not suggesting for a minute that Jon has replaced Nikki - but its close. :)