Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Office

Do you ever wonder where I spend all my time when I am not doing the things that I normally post about? Right here!

My special place - well not that special, but in its own way I love my office. Although noticing it needs a little pop of color - pretty boring. (I am sure Jeff can help me with that - see later in the post.) I'm right next to my two close office buddies Mark and Jeff. Love that these pictures show off their personalities, Mark smiling and hanging out, Jeff all serious and business like.

That Jeff, he is so serious. At least until Valentines Day. Um, hello??

Rose petals (fake of course), window stickers, plastic flowers, balloons, candy, hearts, Valentine's peeps . . . yikes!

The Bono reference is an inside joke, and a little shout out to who performed this transformation. This is my personal favorite - the shiny heart material draped dramatically over the chair with a little bubble wrap underneath.

Oh la la! The Labor Relations Office was transformed into a sappy Valentine's Day display.