Sunday, February 21, 2010

Rewind to V-Day

Before I can move forward I have to rewind to last weekend and show some of the pictures of our V-Day weekend fun. We started with Brandy's birthday party. Addy made Brandy a gift all by herself, she was so excited.

It all started at Costco that morning. She likes to hold the receipt for the guy to check. Once we got out of the store she informed us that would be Brandy's gift. When we got home she was all kinds of serious about folding it and taping it up just right. She wrapped it in Christmas wrap, which she picked out. It was too cute.

Now that Addy has discovered barbies, Gracie and Addy played them together.

After the birthday girl got her gifts and cupcakes, and we sang happy birthday to her - the guys surprised us with a Valentine's Day present. There were three clues we had to use to discover our Valentine's Day gift.

Scott played our final clue:

Oh my did the boys do a VERY good job!

Tickets to the Bon Jovi concert!! (Stay tuned we went to the concert last night - FABULOUS!!!! Pics to come later.)

Then it was on to Addy's Valentine's Day party on Sunday morning. It was so much fun to have all our friends come over and hang out with us!

We did some arts and crafts:

We decorated heart cookies for Valentine's Day. Addy was so excited that Zoe and her sister Gabriella could come!

How cute are these kids?

Caden getting some lunch.

We were blessed to get to spend time with so many of our wonderful friends and their families.

It was a wonderful weekend. I am so lucky to have a wonderful valentine every day of the year!