Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Attention: BIG EVIL BABY

It was reported earlier that there was a BIG EVIL BABY (BEB) spoting in our local area earlier this week.  BEB was said to have kidnapped one "Ya-ya Monkey", while the monkey was out for an evening stroll.

(Evil Laugh) "I have the monkey and you will never see him again."

Ya-Ya's friend Addy came to his rescue using the very effective foggy water weapon in a daring escape.

Drat and double drat, I want that Ya-ya back!!

BEB waited for an opportunity and was able to recapture the cuddley monkey.

After additional reenforcements arrived with a refill of foggy water, Addy was able to rescue Ya-ya a final time.

Alas, BEB was able to escape and was heard to say "But I live to fight another day.  You will never catch me."  I fear this is not the last time we shall see BEB.  Be careful out there!

BEB does not look dangerous, but be warned she is armed, adorable and dangerous.