Monday, July 05, 2010

A Visit

I am still getting caught up from a crazy month, including a terrible flu bug. Scott's brother Chris came for a visit and of course I am on the couch with a fever the entire time. I didn't get hardly any pictures. But the boys got to hang out a ton and I got a couple shots. The cousins send along cards. How cute is that?
And Trevor really made a statement, check out his on the inside:

And they even sent along a gift for Addy. Its this ceramic puppy you paint and grow grass inside. Addy studied the picture and then came up with this. Shortly after the eyes we covered in the black and brown themed paint too.

Here is the final product with the grass growing - this was two days ago, I swear its a foot high now. :)

Chris - thanks so much for coming! We really enjoyed your visit. Missed Tara and the kids. Thanks for the cards and present!!