Friday, January 07, 2011

Go Now and Read

Its recently come to my attention that not everyone I know has read the Stephanie Plum series from Janet Evanovich.  Ummmmm, hello????  These are my go to books.  If I am happy and want to celebrate I read them, if life sucks and I need to disappear for a while I read them, if I feel blah I read them . . . you get the picture, right?

There are so many great scenes it is hard to know where to start.  They make you laugh out loud.  Seriously.  You will be reading one of these books and burst out laughing.  Sometimes I will not even be reading a book, but one of the scenes will pop into my head and I will just crack up.  Like the dog attack or Lula stuck in the car or the whole meat diet . . . it goes on and on.  Pork chops and bacon in a purse, it doesn't get any better then that.

The first one is a tiny bit aggressive, but so worth it to delve into this series.  A female bounty hunter - who is terrible at her job.  A couple of hot guys, a crazy friend and loony grandma.  Priceless.

After the last couple of weeks, I am defintely in my retreat and regroup mode and that means a Stephanie book.  I am reading (for like the millionth time) Four to Score.  Here is a sneak peek:

"We came onto the [casino] floor, four abreast, letting the noise wash over us, taking it all in . . . the mirrored ceiling, the 3-D carpet, the flashing lights, and hustling, swirling crowds of people.  We moved through the room and old men walked into walls, pit bosses turned silent, waitresses stopped in their tracks, chips were dropped on the floor and women stared with the sort of openmouthed curiosity usually reserved for train wrecks.  As if they'd never seen a seven-foot transvestite and a two-hundred pound black woman with blond baloney curls all dressed up like Cher on a bad day.

Do I know how to conduct an undercover operation, or what?"

They've made the first book into a movie.  Not sure how I feel about that yet.  Could be a huge mistake - Janet is not involved.  But, it could be okay.  Meanwhile, don't wait for the movie, they are NEVER as good as the books.  Get one.  Really.  You deserve it.