Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Silly Addy

I was asked to post an update about Addy - what she's up to and saying at this point. So here it goes . . .

Addy is now scared of the dark, she got new scooby doo and buzz lightyear night lights to help. But she is quick to tell us "Don't be scared, okay?" and hold our hand.

Talking on the phone is a big thrill for Little. As soon as we answer the phone its "whose tat?" She also loves to video chat with Grammy and Plumbly. She adores playing with them and telling them what she is up to. Here she is doing video chat on the laptop.

She talks all the time, no really, I mean all the time. She talks about everything, sings everything - there is not a quiet moment in our house. I am constantly amazed when we see shy children because they are quiet. Even when she goes somewhere new she just keeps talking. (I'd appreciate it if you'd keep you snide remarks you are all thinking right now to yourselves. Yeah, I know exactly what you are thinking.) :)

Addy counts to 20 - why 20, I have no idea, we worked on 1-5 and the next thing I know she's counting to 20. Addy loves to write her name -which looks a lot like a squiggle but she assures me that is her name.

My favorite Addy saying right now is "Little bit, not much". She says it about a lot of things and it is adorable.

Little is going through a tough period with temper tantrums. She loves to scream. It is exhausting sometimes.

Addy has her monkey, Ya-ya, that she sleeps with every night and when we change her into her jammies each night she rubs Ya-ya's tail in her armpit. She sometimes will even prevent me from zipping her jammies so that she can stick Ya-ya's tail in one last time to rub her armpit. So, either she'll grow out of it, or she'll be Mary Catherine Gallegher.

Addy loves to dress up. Check out her outfit below, thanks Tyson!

And finally I had to share this picture for our friend Niki - whom Addy thinks is Mickey?!? I don't know why, but she can't seem to say Niki. Niki will know why I am dedicating this picture to her. Look at those adorable pudgy feet. :)

Finally Addy wouldn't survive without her two favorite games in the whole world, Chase Addy and Hide and Seek. The girl lives for this . . . I play these a lot so if anyone needs to brush up on their skills feel free to stop by or give me a call. I am an expert.

See ya all later!