Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dodge Ball

The first annual WSDOT Dodge Ball Tournament was Friday night! Scott, Addy and I were there to support our HR team! They did great. They were part of the biggest match of the night, when we faced down the Executive Team - and WON! It was the battle to end all battles.

Highlights include:

1. The outfits. Tam in short-shorts, Mark with a mullet, Jeff with the fro and tats, sponge bob shirts and mouth guards!!

2. Watching Jeff Carpenter charge the line and clothesline Pelton - priceless.

3. The HR Team soundly defeating the Execs.

4. The kids cheering on the team (and none of them got hit with a flying ball).

5. Everytime our team was up, they'd get on the court and do push-ups to intimidate the other team.

6. Seeing all the WSDOT staff and families come out for a great time.

7. Pelton getting the winning hit against the Execs.

8. Michaela, Mark and Amber all out there at one time or another by themselves, keeping us alive.

9. Carrie brings nilla wafers for the kids - that was a life saver.

10. Finding three day old french fries in my purse tonight, Addy had McDonalds fries on the way to the game, I found the rest of them in my purse just now. Yum!

Warming up, and conversing with the enemy (Jeff, Tam and Bob):

Jeff with strong guy Gavin:

The Crew (Tam, Amber, Alvina, Mark (w/daughter Carys), Micheala, and Jeff):

The spectators: This wasn't everyone though, Stephanie and Savannah, Adrienne, Joni, Niki and Kim all came out for the event and joined Brandy, Jennifer and her husband, and our family.

Stylin' Mark and his family:

The game action:

The Executives v. HR faceoff. The execs are in the "road crew - reflective shirts".

The kids were ready to cheer on the team. Here is Addy with her game face.

Here is Gravin, Gracie, Savannah and Addy:

Aren't they cute?

Great job team!