Saturday, September 08, 2007

Military Families

This morning we headed out to the Military Family Support March sponsored by Scott's Rotary group. We got up early and were greeted with an absolutely beautiful day for raising money for such a great cause! All money goes to the families of military personnel overseas and those that have lost spouses or children in the war. (For those that don't know - here in Olympia we live about 15 -20 minutes away from two active military bases, Ft. Lewis Army Base and McChord Airforce Base.)

Addy enjoyed the balloon she got.

We had the chance to honor an amazing group of soldiers that have recently returned. Here is the raising of the flag:

Addy met some new friends:

This was interesting . . . a helicopter dropped bags and bags of candy into a roped off area for the kids to grab. Can you see all the candy falling out of the helicopter?

Here is Addy and Daddy:

Addy was happy to wave the flag.

Thanks for all those that came out today with us for the march.