Friday, September 07, 2007

Addy is a STAR!

Check out Addy's dinner show . . . this is a true star!

(That is one of her Gerber baby food stars stuck on her nose.)

I know I've mentioned it before but Little loves bath time. As soon as we fill the tub and take her into her room to get undressed she is out the door and on the way to the bathroom. Here she is on the run:

She's so fast that before I could get another picture this is all there was:

Let me in the tub!

Yessssss . . . I'm in!

There are so many cute outfits to dress Little in . . . this is one of my favorites. Today we had her in her strawberry ruffle pants. They are just too cute. (Notice she's in the bathroom again, checking out the tub. This is even before bath time.)

Just a sweet picture!

Have a great weekend!