Thursday, August 09, 2007

Lions and Toilet Paper

Addy is crawling around all over the place now. She loves the dog's water dish and the drawers in her room!

Here is Addy with her new ride and push toy. The Lion's hair is fun like Addy's.

Addy also found a roll of toilet paper to check out. Notice in the second picture all the actual paper is gone. She tried to eat most of it and then tried to feed it to Daisy.

Little really likes doors. She will sit and move the door back and forth checking on each side of the door to see what is there.

By the way, I got stung by a wasp tonight and Scott told me to put an onion on it (which supposedly sucks out the bad stuff) and it totally worked - the swelling and pain went away immediately and never came back. And, yes even after a couple of attempts at washing my arm still smells a lot like an onion!