Sunday, November 24, 2013

Totally 80's

Addy's decade day was a big hit.  I guess it is sad commentary when I forget to get her a costume and the night before we can pull this off.  And most of it was stuff I had that ended up in her dress up box.

Scott and I taught her some awesome 80's slang to go along with her neon, fingerless gloves, jelly bracelets and leg warmers.  She was pretty impressed when I goggled Madonna and she had on the gloves and bracelets.  Addy doesn't have to go to early care often and that day she had to go for about 10 minutes before school started.  She was nervous about being in a costumer and took off the gloves and bracelets.  I didn't have the heart to point out the neon orange leg warmers were going to give it away.  She got there and quickly threw everything back on because everyone was decked out!