Sunday, May 05, 2013

Spring Fun

Just a few pictures of the spring time fun we've been having.  Last Tuesday Charlotte got tubes in her ears.  Although I was nervous and it took us a while to land on the decision, I am really happy we did it now.  I have already noticed some changes with our Charlie Brown.  She did great through the process.  And I believe its going to make a difference for her long term.

Ashlie and Knute came over for dinner and the girls did their twinkie thing.  Here's Addy doing her fashion pose.

All matchy matchy.  I love it.

 Love them here.

This one makes me smile because I can look at their faces here and I know exactly that look from both of them.

With all the warm weather it was time to get out the new water table.  At first Charlotte was complaining (meaning pulling, tugging and stomping her feet) at the swim diaper and suit.

Then she realized there were fun toys to play with associated with said annoying suit and diaper.  Let me outta here.

Helping Daddy put it together.

This one is so funny that I had to post it even though its blurry.  Too funny!

Again, I couldn't get any good action shots as she was charging around, but I think you can get a sense for her wispy mullet.  Pretty awesome!

Tonight we were just being really silly.  Charlotte was running around with the strainer on her head.  Just a normal night around these parts I guess.