Monday, February 14, 2011

Be My Valentine

 Addy was so excited for today, she made us promise to get her up super early so we could exchange gifts this morning and not wait until after school.  She helped Scott shop for the valentine's gifts and she was very excited to give me my presents.  When I went into her room to wake her up she was sound asleep, but when I mentioned it was V-day she popped right out of bed.  I got her into the kitchen and she looked like this.  She informed us that sometimes in the morning her eyes are all sticky and wet and she has to rub them to make them work.

 Quickly she was "awakened" by the excitement of the Valentine's day extravaganza awaiting her!

 She wasn't waiting to get her new puzzle going.

 Holy smokes, check out the stash she got at school?!  It was like Halloween all over again.  She scored big time.  I was a little jealous and found myself negotiating what I might get to try. :)

She even had a present waiting from Grandma and Grandpa on the porch when we got home!

My favorite part of the day?  Addy helping me unwrap the beautiful necklace and bracelets she picked out for me all by herself - she was so proud.  And getting to take an afternoon to spend a couple hours having a late lunch with Scott.  Priceless!