Saturday, September 18, 2010

Daukas-Todorovich Update

Thought I spend a few minutes and get caught up. Fall is upon us already - and with it rain, rain and rain - what is up with that? Last night it poured . . . and poured some more. Here is what we've been up to in the last couple of weeks.

Silly rain pics:

Addy started in her new "big girl" class at school. She struggled with the transition, but seems to be settling in very nicely. Her teachers are amazing and the curriculum seems to be more in line with her level. She has made some new friends and continues to cultivate her existing ones. She has really transitioned out of toddlerhood in the last few months and now seems very much like a little girl to me. I am so proud of her generous heart and capacity for love, but my heart does miss the little toddler too.

Our household continues to thrive in chaos between our crazy work schedules, enjoying time together, visiting with friends and family . . . but there is always time to work on learning letters and writing. Addy really enjoys writing things up on the TV computer. She is pretty sweet!

It is Fall. It does my soul good to leave the heat and sun of summer behind. I. Love. Fall.

And although I am not so in love with the more then normal rain we've been getting, it hasn't stopped me from busting out my absolutely favorite fall cookies. They are the best! EVER! My sister-in-law Brandy introduced me to them. And I am embarrassed to admit I have had attempted to justify why I should make these cookies in April, July, etc. I am proud to say I resisted. It is September and rainy now . . . its cookie time! Yum!

My dear friend Courtney had her little baby girl last weekend. Yea for Bill and Courtney! Baby Elyse is darling and I enjoyed a nice visit with Courtney, Marcie and Elyse the other night. Check out these newborn pics. The photographer is so talented and you can see both the baby and the gorgeous nursery!

And today is our 11th anniversary! Happy Anniversary to us!