Sunday, October 04, 2009


Tomorrow morning when I wake up, I will be the mother of a 3 year old.


Addy has been such a joy to us this last year. She has transitioned from young toddler into a young girl. She loves to tell stories, carry on conversations and try new things.

Addy loves to watch Scooby Doo. It is by far her favorite show. I think its definitely helping her out because she doesn’t seem scared of a whole lot. Check out the Halloween decoration she chose for her room. (Not the cute fluffy ghost with the candy bag, or the funny, sweet pumpkin.)

Her imagination is taking off! It is amazing to watch and listen to her. She loves to go to the store, park or on a trip with her babies and friends. She has a whole host of “friends” she tells us all about – with exotic names like Nota, Trop, Gonep, and Enbur. She is so caring of the babies and her puppy friends. She always can be overheard saying “don’t be scared, I am here”.

Addy is obsessed – I mean OBSESSED – with dresses and tights. Any time I make her wear pants she cries. Many times in the morning, the first thing she says to me is “dress and tights please”. She is by far the best dressed kid at school – they probably think I am crazy. But don’t get me wrong, it clearly doesn’t stop her from having fun. She isn’t a proper little lady in her dresses. And if they come with matching panties – even better! She can show them to everyone. (Lets hope that particular behavior stops soon!)

Addy continues to enjoy causing Daddy a little pain. She is getting really good at delivering knee drops to the stomach. And she laughs and laughs and says “Daddy, what happened?” when Scott groans. Clearly she gets her laugh-at-pain-and-injury from my Mom and I. Poor Scott and Dad don’t stand a chance.

Did you know that Addy was practically potty-trained this year? Last spring she was pretty much all done and then came the flood. Apparently at school a toilet overflowed and Addy hasn’t had any interest since then. She wasn’t even in the bathroom, let alone on the potty, when it happened. And I don’t anticipate that changing any time soon.

Addy has a traveler’s heart! For this we are both very grateful. Traveling and adventures are one of the things Scott and I enjoy most in life. One of our early commitments was to travel with Addy and teach her the love of finding a new place. Addy constantly surprises us with her adaptability on the road. (Flying is hard – but she is just a little kid after all!) She loves to go visit people and places. The other night Addy and I were snuggling on the couch and she tells me, “I am ready for vacation!”. I love this girl! Scott and I are intent on feeding her travel bug – and ours too. Hopefully before long she’ll be able to say she’s been around the world!

Her interest in books continues to grow. We love to share our favorite stories with her. She also seems pretty fascinated with puzzles – hmmmmm . . . I wonder where that comes from? (Scott) She is pretty fast at learning them and finds much joy in completing a puzzle all by herself.

In the last few weeks her curiosity has greatly increased. Why, why, why? I am sure I will get tired of it, but right now I think it is pretty charming. I got to explain why you turn off the car at the gas station. Now Addy tells people, the car might blow up and be on fire at any moment. (Gotta work on my explanations a bit.) I explained why girls and boys can have the same vitamins. Now she tells me a boy probably doesn’t want her princess vitamins, but if he does that is okay and she won’t be mean or laugh about it. (Trying for the whole gender neutrality thing . . . I’ll keep trying.)

Here are some of my favorite pictures from this last year.

Thank you Addy for each and every day!! You are such a blessing to us all!