Friday, December 05, 2008

Chasing Santa!

Last night we were going to get the mail when we realized Santa was on his way! The fire truck with Santa was cruising the neighborhood, so we all stood on the corner and awaited his arrival. His fire truck passed our street and didn't turn down!! All the families (at least 10-12) raced to their cars, threw their kids in and hauled it down the street to where the trucks had stopped. Everyone got pictures and candy canes and donated some canned goods to a great cause.

Let me tell you, there is nothing like crazy parents on a mission! I turned around to take Little back to the car and realized that most of the neighbors didn't even bother to park on the side of the road. There were cars all over the street with doors hanging open, lights on and some still running. Too funny!

And half of us were already in pajamas. A couple people were in robes (like in the background of the picture) and some were like me in sweats or pajama pants. You can't say we aren't dedicated to Christmas!

Have a great weekend!