Thursday, February 14, 2008

Odds and Ends

Here are just some random photos from the last couple of weeks.

Checking out Grandma's crocs (Addy loves dressing up in other's shoes):

Taking a moment to make sure baby has a bottle:

The other night Addy finished her dinner and decided to join Scott and I to help out with ours. She loves potato chips and so she was happy to help Scott with a few of his remaining chips. She decided it would be appropriate to dip the bbq chips into my bowl of cheerios and suck off the milk over and over until the chip was wilted and then she'd eat it and ask for another. Now for those of you that know me and my terror at any kind of wet bread you will know it could only be motherhood that would allow me to sit through this and not run screaming. :) It was actually pretty cute.

Once we were finished with the chips it was time to chase down the final few cheerios in the bowl and finish them off too!

When Little was all done we had to take off her top because she has dribbled so much down her front. But she sure had fun!