Saturday, January 26, 2008

What a Mess!

Every once in while I'll look at Addy and wonder, how does she get so messy? Sometimes its her hair - one second it will be matted to her head, the next sticking up all over and then another time it will have something mashed into it!

Here is some static:

Tonight while Addy was eating I stopped and really looked at her and realized - wow, she is a mess. If you click on this picture you can see the sticky stuff in her hair, the blueberry applesauce all over her shirt and all the food stuck on her arms and face. Not to mention the hidden stash on her lap waiting for me when I get her out of the chair. :)

Then when I finally did pull her out and put her down to go play, I realized she is wearing a totally mismatched outfit. Poor thing!

I am sure Addy was happy to get a bath tonight!