Monday, December 17, 2007

Psst . . . Its Addy!

Mom isn't the only one that can blog! Check out what I've been up to lately . . .

Mom did some decorating for Christmas and I stole this handy-dandy basket. I love to fill it with things and carry it around the house. Sometimes I can use it to push Daisy and Cinnamon around.

On Saturday we went out with some friends to a Japanese steakhouse. We had so much fun!

My friend Savannah was a little unsure of the big flames, but I thought they were great.

Our chef was very funny!

Look at me wearing a dress! Now that I can walk Mommy lets me wear dresses. I like to pull it up and spit on it and then run around and laugh.

Guess what I had to do on Sunday? Get all dressed up and take some Christmas photos. I gave Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa T. a run for their money. I ran all around the house while they were trying to dress me.

Here is a sneak peek of my Christmas dress. (Mommy will post the real pictures soon.)

And finally I want to leave you with a few words of wisdom. I know all you adults get excited about what comes in a Victoria's Secret bag, but let me tell you the bag itself is pretty fun all by itself. Don't just take my word for it, check it out:

It is a real trip (literally) to put the bag over my head and run around the house. I love it.

See you later alligators!!