Monday, July 16, 2007

What's Happening With Addy?

Here are some of the things Addy has been busy with lately! Her schedule has been pretty packed.

When she's in need of a thirst quencher, Little will belly up to the bar and demand a drink (she pounds on the bar for Daddy to get her something to drink).

Addy is a serious drinker.

(She still hasn't really mastered the sippy cup yet. It is pretty funny to watch her try to figure it out.)

She now sits up in her crib by herself. It is so cute to go in a see either big smiles or big tears.

Little plays on her water mat, she loves the sprays.

Little loves to go upside down. She'll laugh hysterically over and over again.

Addy plays with her toys. Hey, what is in dinasour's mouth?

All good here!

Addy loves to play in her tunnel.

Little is thinking about crawling, but this is as close as she's gotten so far.

Look at Little's highlights. Just getting some sun.

Addy likes to try to get the kitty to come play.

Maybe she'll skip crawling and walk. Tonight she was standing on her own for the first time. And getting into the drawers . . .

What will next week bring???