Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Just some cute pics of the girls together.

Addy loves to wake up Charlotte in the morning and at naps.  Charlotte wakes up with the biggest smile on her face and the first thing she says is "sissy".

Charlotte is just entering that stage that she wants to do everything big sister is doing.  Addy is a great playmate.

Even when she is busy with other things Addy is always willing to read a book to her sister.  Although sometimes Charlotte wants to skip pages, go backward or turns the pages before Addy is done - and my rule follower can barely stand it.  So cute!

This will be one of my favorites forever:

Sunday, July 28, 2013


When it gets quiet I know something is going on, because Charlotte is always loud.  She is either chatting away, running, crashing things around or yelling.  If it gets quiet for too long you panic because it means she's doing something she knows is bad or is so exciting (naughty) that she goes covert on you.

Addy's craft table - she figured out one morning that she can get up into the chairs all by herself.  And if she stands up she can reach the markers.

I love this messy face.

So serious as she colors on the chair . . . and the seat, and the wall.  And the cabinets, and the floor and the bean bag chair.

Who me?

So happy!!

Charlotte's "friend" Emily

Meet Charlotte's friend Emily:

Adorable right?  Emily's Mom and I worked together until very recently.  Now, Melanee is Addy's piano teacher.  And I am the babysitter.  Literally.  I love it.

So, Emily likes Charlotte.  Charlotte isn't so sure about Emily.  It was fine when we went to their house to play.  But recently since we have a/c Emily has been coming to our house.  Charlotte is not sure how she feels about this.
 This is the best I can do as far as a picture with them together.  Because if they are by each other Charlotte is normally glaring, pointing to the door and saying bye to her friend, or pushing, or taking toys.

We went outside and both girls (seperately) had a blast.

I just know that these girls will be wonderful friends.  (Its the pushing and stealing that really makes me confident.)  Oh, Charlotte - you do make me laugh . . . sheepishly.