I am going to try to label my specific posts related to my resolution for this year - year of the gardener (YOTG). We finally got a break from the cold, rain, snow, etc. And I kicked off the YOTG with a bang . . . actually a groan when the weekend was done.

Addy was a trooper all weekend and made mud puddles to jump in and broke in her new boots.

After a year of my secret garden being a habitat for stray bunnies (all have left now) and overgrown climbing roses and wisteria, we got it all cut back. And look who was waiting for me! I heart gargoyles. Meet Frank and Floyd.

Aren't they so Buffy? Do you see a theme here? Oh, and by the way, since at least one person wants to hear more about Buffy, (Brandy - I knew we were meant to be sisters!) Entertainment Weekly just published their top heroes of all time and Buffy Summers was number 8 on the list out of like 25. And, on the reader poll she was number 3! Woot!
Okay, YOTG tip number 1 - believe all the terrible things you hear about wisteria and climbing roses. Heed the warnings and really ask yourself are they worth the trouble? I say perhaps, if you are diligent with your pruning and managing.
Butterfly bushes are a noxious weed - it is true!! I really believe it now. Don't get one. Ever. Seriously.