I am really not so in love with a TV show that I am writing about it. Well, not really. Although, now that I say that . . . I'd write about Buffy. I sure miss Buffy. ALOT. I do have all the seasons on DVD, but its not the same.
Wait a second . . . I am really off subject now. :)
Back to the beginning. Last night I tuned it to watch the final episode of ER. Not because I am a loyal fan, I don't think I've watched it for 10 years or more. Mostly, I tuned in and watched it with Scott because it is sentimental. The year it started was our first year in college. We met in college - our freshman year - and right in the beginning one of our fun dates was a trip to the TV lounge with a group of friends for ER every Thursday night at 10pm. That was 15 years ago!! As the closing scene came on, Scott and I reflected on all the differences between then and now. Two houses and a piece of property (we are land barons for goodness sakes, who would have thought it!), Addison, 6 pets, 6 cars, and so many other changes. Who could have imagined? It was an amazing moment.
Side note: it would have been an even more amazing moment if George (Clooney) had been on the last episode.
Nonetheless, it has been an amazing 15 years, from a freshman dorm TV room that smelled a little scary to today (our house smelled nice last night).
Love you honey!
P.S. Anyone want to read a post about Buffy . . . I'm just saying that I could write a little something. :)
P.P.S. Mardi - we thought about you last night. Hard to remember those days huh? Ravishingly pale ankles, George Michael's Tonight in the evening and Garth Brooks in the morning.