Charlotte took a few minutes to figure out the stocking . . . at first she ignored it and then she tried to put it on!
But soon she figured it all out and happy chaos erupted as we all got our Christmas Eve spirit on!
I love this girl's expressions. Every gift she always seems so genuinely excited. I didn't capture it all, but you get the idea.
Charlotte was pretty intense the entire time and got right down to business.
She really was taken with the whipped cream and strawberry sauce on the dessert.
This got her attention for an entire 10-15 minutes - that is unheard of with this girl.
Christmas dawned and we headed to Grandma and Grandpas to celebrate and spend the day.
Addy got a new camera and made fast work of getting pics for the day, so these are a mix of pictures from both our cameras.
Addy got this picture of the ticket tree - this was her first year getting to enjoy the fun with all of us. She was really into it!
We had a great time laughing, sharing stories and gifts, eating and being merry!