Sunday, June 16, 2013


Okay, I promise I will move along soon.  I just feel compelled to capture these sweet kindergarten memories so Scott and I can look back.  What a great year!

Addy and her friends had so many opportunities to make some great memories the last week of school:

Getting ready for the awards ceremony.

 Impromptu worship moment during the break.  One thing I love about Addy's school is the music!

Addy got a few rewards - she was so excited!  Her she is with some of her favorite friends - academic excellence!

Addy got a yearbook - and the kids signed it.  Remember those days?

The best thing was the book Mrs. Moses made for the kids.  It is so sweet to look through. 

You can see that during the year Addy went from "Addy" to "Addie" between the above and below pictures.  Gotta love a diva.

Bad lighting.  Oops.