1. All her friends . . . she is always making lists of all her friends and telling us about them coming to a party. (Typically there is cake or cupcakes involved.)
Sometimes the list is of "all my baby friends". We got to visit with a lot of her baby friends last weekend.
And of course the Pelton's are always first on the list. We got to go to Gracie's game tongiht.
During the game Addy hammed it up on the side lines, falling and rolling around.
2. Kid Bop CD's. She really goes all out for Gavin Degraw. It is pretty fun to sing along with!
3. Reading. Reading. Reading. She likes being read to and also reading herself. Favorites include Strawberry Shortcake, Biscuit stories and the always popular Good-bye Moon.
4. Scooby Doo. Morning, noon and night. I asked her who was her favorite character on the show. Immediately and with strong confidence she replied, "Fred". What? (On a positive note I feel that this is a good indicator Addy will like Buffy in later years.)
5. Scary stories. Bedtime stories have to be spooky and involve the whole scooby gang. I get extra points in I can work in the mystery machine. (See #4 above.)
6. The puppies. After a luke-warm welcome for Biscuit in the beginning, Addy is realizing the entertainment value.
She particularly enjoys feeding the puppies from the table (naughty) and tickling Biscuit on the tummy (cute).
7. Dresses. Up to now Addy rarely wore dresses. Both Addy and I were pretty anti-dress. Now we've both really warmed up to them. She goes around telling everyone - "I pretty". Which, frankly she is - so why try to hide it?
9. Bedtime tantrums. Not about going to bed, at least I don't think that is what they are about . . . random things start them. And she wails, and convulges, and withers, and slaps, and cries so hard she chokes, and throws herself around, and pulls things out of drawers and throws them, and yells. It isn't a pretty sight folks. Please make them stop.
10. Potty -training! So out of the blue Addy just decided she is ready. We hadn't really even fully discussed the topic ourselves and at school she just started working it out. She does some alternating between pull-ups and panties. She is dry all day at school. Amazing!
She loves her Dora pull ups and her princess panties. Here she is modeling her Ariel panties. She's had very few accidents and seems to be enjoying this new process of learning.